Dome patios are not our most common style of patio design. They can be a polarizing choice. What type of house best suits a dome patio is a good question to ask. I would normally say a modern square style of house suits the design best, however as this patio shows, even an older style house can wear a dome patio.
To get a patio built out the front of a house can be tricky. These customers had a long wait for shire approval as most shires are fussy when it comes to changing the streetscape. Also the shire setback rules are very challenging when any new structure approaches the road. This before photo below shows the area chosen to add a dome carport / patio. The owner removed some of the front wall, and cut down some trees to reveal an area crying out for a new carport patio.

Below are our after photos, showing a distinct stylish new dome carport patio.

This dome carport has now become a prominent feature of this property. It is a distinct styling that doesn't look out of place, rather bringing a modern fresh new look to this older style house.
Opinion may be divided on Dome patios and carports, but as this project shows, there is a place for the Dome style patio.
For free quotes and advice call us on 9493 7115.